Send us your photo...and we'll turn your Memory into a Masterpiece on Canvas!

Affiliate Partner Opportunities:

Canvas offers a website with dynamic content artfully designed to create a pursuasive experience for anyone having an interest in turning a sentimental family photo into Art on Canvas. Our range of products, Artistic skill and affordable pricing make our offers uniquely attractive. Our affiliate program offers a retail partnership for other website operators who wish to offer affordable art services on their site. It costs nothing to join our Affiliate network and you are free to cancel at any time.

20% Commission Structure:
While standard affiliate commissions run in the 10% range we start our affiliates at 20%! When you link to us from your home page a 25% commission is earned. How do we do it? We use tracking cookies with a 90 day life to insure sales are properly allocated to the referring affiliate partner. As an affiliate you'll receive automatic email notifications in real time whenever a customer you refer makes a purchase. You'll also have access to a password protected web page in our shopping cart where you'll be able to view a summary of all customer activity. Commissions are aggregated and paid to each partner once each month.

Promotional Banner Art:
We provide attractive Promotional Banner Art in the form of graphic images or small flash movies such as the one pictured at right. You place this promotional content at a high traffic location on your site. Thats really all there is to it.

Our Affiliate Philosophy:
Canvas Art wants to work with all types of websites, from large commercial sites and non-profit sites to individual Web pages and everything in between. Anyone may submit an affiliate request and we review each and every potential Affiliate Web site before accepting the partner into our network. Sites containing objectionable material, including pornography, explicit language or violent content are not eligible to become affiliates.

If you'd like to learn more becoming an affiliate partner please contact us.
        Thank you,

        2251 N. Rampart Blvd, Suite 140
        Las Vegas, Nevada 89128
        Tel: (702) 795-9555
        click here to email us

        Hours: Weekdays, 9am to 4pm pacific time.