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Digital Painting: can computers create a painting?

digital painter artist

Shop around the web and you'll see plenty of offers for digital painting and artworks created by computers.
“My Photo to Painting” done by a Computer? A Mona Lisa on the MAC? Really? Sounds mysterious…we know. So here's the scoop…

First, it depends on what you mean by “painting”. If you're talking about the time honored techniques for traditional portraiture…ie: portrait painting with a brush in the classical style like Picasso or Rembrandt did, then…..
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Painter Blog

All it takes is one look around the office or the coffee shop look around the office or the coffee shop and you'll see face after face buried in their smartphone or tablet. face buried in their smartphone or tablet. Mobile device usage is sky-rocketing. But how many people ads sky-rocketing. But how many people actually own smartphones? What percentage of email is opened on What percentage of email is opened on mobile? Here are 3 mobile stats that you need to know: tats that you need to know[...]