Send us your photo...and we'll turn your Memory into a Masterpiece on Canvas!

CanvasArt creates masterpiece portraits in the style of Traditional Fine Oil. Home of the $25 Preview, we allow you to view your photo turned into painting first and decide afterwards whether to purchase. We work this way to insure satisfaction with your photo to canvas painting

* Painted Family Portraits
* Painted Child Portraits
* Dog Painting & Dog Portraits
* Painted Pet Portraits
* Painted Baby Portraits
* Painted Wedding Portraits
* Painted Memorial Portraits
* Painted Vacation Portraits
* Painted Self Portraits
* Pop Art Portraits
* Painted Couples Portraits
* Painted Celebrity Portraits

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I just want to take the time to say Thank You for the beautiful portrait. My husband had no idea what was in the package. He begin slowly tearing the wrapping paper until he could see the faces. With loving tearing eyes, he looked up at me while continuing to tear the remainder of the wrapping paper from the portrait. The look on his face was "PRICELESS". He loves it and so do I. Thank you for a memorable first Christmas with my new husband (Married 7 Dec 13).

from: Joyce Mcneil on Friday, January 3, 2014

from: Joyce Mcneil on Friday, January 3, 2014