Send us your photo...and we'll turn your Memory into a Masterpiece on Canvas!

CanvasArt creates masterpiece portraits in the style of Traditional Fine Oil. Home of the $25 Preview, we allow you to view your photo turned into painting first and decide afterwards whether to purchase. We work this way to insure satisfaction with your photo to canvas painting

* Painted Family Portraits
* Painted Child Portraits
* Dog Painting & Dog Portraits
* Painted Pet Portraits
* Painted Baby Portraits
* Painted Wedding Portraits
* Painted Memorial Portraits
* Painted Vacation Portraits
* Painted Self Portraits
* Pop Art Portraits
* Painted Couples Portraits
* Painted Celebrity Portraits

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Thank you so much. You did a marvelous job. I wasn`t sure about the blue reins but my Daughter decided she liked it better that way. We will be telling our friends about your service for sure!!

from: Erika on Tuesday, January 7, 2014